Thursday, June 18, 2015

Education Technologies Blog: Digital Citizenship, Ethics, and Netiquette

The URL ( Digital Citizenship Application is the technology of choice that provides adult learners with detailed instruction on online safety, discusses cyberbullying, and offers ethical information on the use of digital resources. This application has the availability to be installed on tablets and mobile devices. Users have the ability access all information regarding digital citizenship and list precautionary measures for the use all digital resources. This application allows users to acquire an understanding of the measures that helps prevent the abuse or misuse of information systems.
The selection of this technology assist adult learners in their efforts of continuing education and the use of digital technology. Understanding the need for ethical and respectable values when using any type of technology that requires communication with others is vital to all users. Adult learners must understand what is appropriate when working groups, passing information to others, and writing in professional forums. Brey (2012) discussed how ethical assessment of emerging technologies concerns the question of what is good and bad about the devices and processes that they may bring forth, and what is right and wrong about ways in which they may be used. Selecting this application allows users to acquire an understanding of the appropriate use of language in different forums where communications with digital systems is a requirement.  As technologies emerge, users must have the skills and knowledge of the appropriate uses in order to get certain messages across to their intended audiences.
Incorporating this technology into my professional profession would assess the students and instructors of my organization with an understanding of what is appropriate for different setting when using different form information systems. Additionally, this is what all users’ need that will assist in keeping them mindful of the digital citizenship and how that citizenship applies to meeting their needs.
The URL ( Acceptable Use Policy
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is the educational technology of choice because this keeps users aware of what to do as a means of protection and measures to eliminate miss use of the technological equipment. The AUP defines the appropriate use of the devices and the allowed information passed on these devices. This similar to a contract where the users agree to operating within the limitations of the defined rules that govern the use of the internet in conjunction with other forms of technology. This technology provide users with a list of acceptable and unacceptable list of the types of languages used, what can be sent over the internet, and different types of hardware and software devices.
            The reason for selecting this form of technology application is because it provides adult learners with information that supports the use of digital citizenship. This application informs adult learners about the appropriate uses of technology and the other devices that support its use. Adult learners must have knowledge of privacy, safety, language use, and the types of information that have the potential to cause harm their institution.  Marcenik (2015) discussed how the purpose of this policy is to provide safe parameters for exploring digital resources and using school-issued devices properly. It also ensures that schools do their very best to block out the darkest corners of the web. Having these appropriate measures allow provide adult learners with an overall understanding of what they need for successful use of various types of technology. 
            The use of this application would support the efforts of my profession by informing all students and educators on the correct uses of technology and the associated devices that support that particular use. Adult learners need to understand what is appropriate to use or not to use when communicating over the internet. This would pose as a contract where they acknowledge the understanding of the use of the proper language when writing in a professional forum and passing information to other with the use of different types of software.
            Another use for this technology application as it pertains to digital citizenship is that it provides future military leaders of my organization with knowledge of the release of certain information and the correct means of communicating over the internet. This technology informs students of the proper use of all devices and how the improper use could cause harm to others if misused.

Brey, P. (2012). Anticipating ethical issues in emerging IT. Ethics & Information Technology14(4), 305-317. doi:10.1007/s10676-012-9293-y

Marcenik, A. (2015, October, 22). Digital Citizenship: Developing a Culture of Trust and Transparency. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Hello Braley:
    Thanks for your post. The turnitin tool is a great tool for helping learners write scholarly papers without plagiarism. I have not used it to the fullest measure yet, but understand how helpful it could be for the learners you describe in your profession. I would use it for myself as the trainer to make sure my materials are cited correctly.
