Thursday, May 14, 2015

Application and Multimedia Resource for Adult Learners

Podcasting is a form of technology allows student to listen to various types of classroom information anytime and anywhere. Nataatmadja and Dyson (2008) stated that podcasts permit students to access educational materials at home, while travelling to university or work, or doing any activity they choose. They can play the recordings at any time which is convenient to them rather than be confined to set class times. Additionally, podcasting allows students to record classroom lectures, music and other forms of information with use of the internet. Richardson (2010) discussed how podcasting is the creation and distribution of amateur radio, plain and simple. There are many ways to bring podcasting into the classroom. Teachers can record important parts of what they do in the classroom that can be archived in the class Weblog and be used by students who may have missed the class or just want a refresher of what happened. Podcasting allows students to share files in the form of MP3 or MP4 files that has the ability to assess anytime or anywhere.
            I selected podcasting because this is a means of adult learning that allows these learners to record important classroom information and have the capability of playing it when the need arises. Using this information allows the learner to retrieve information in an archived manner for research or any other relative information. Furthermore, podcasting allows students to access different types of information where they have the ability to share that information with others.
            The use of the piece of technology into my profession allows the learners to share their group with use of podcasting whether in the form of an audio or video format. This allows other groups to view their work when the time arises for peer group evaluations. Another method for incorporating this technology into my profession is as a tool for the instructors where they store briefings, training, and other projects on the class Weblog for future access. Using these methods allow students to access information when needed. Additionally, it offers those students who missed an amount of classroom instructions the opportunity to review the missed portion. Overall, this would be a great asset to my current profession for students’ use for research and a means of delivering information.

            The URL for Screencasting is this site allows download of the Jing Screencasting application. The use of this technology offers adult learners that capability of presenting slide presentation with voice narration and providing learners the opportunity to record various types of projects. Richardson (2010) acknowledges that Screencasting involves capturing what learners do on the computer with an audio narration to go with it. This application allow learners to embed their presentation in a blog or other types of presentation platforms.  Using this technology allow adult learners to acquire an understanding the various types of uses that Screencasting provides and how this technology works within the business world.  Brown and Adler (2008) stated that various initiatives launched over the past few years have created a series of building blocks that could provide the means for transforming the ways in which we provide education and support learning. Much of this activity has been enabled and inspired by the growth and evolution of the Internet, which has created a global “platform” that has vastly expanded access to all sorts of resources, including formal and informal educational materials. Screencasting is one of those initiatives that provides students with ability to share information from a creative perspective.
            I selected this form of technology because it provides learners with a means of capturing live information by providing narration. This allows others to view the material with detailed information that depicts each part of the presentation. The use of this application in the classroom allows students to become creative with the way they present their subject. This application is similar to podcasting by have the means of storing the information for future use and it allows students to retrieve the information anytime or anywhere.
            This application is ideal for my profession because it allows students to work together on various types of projects with the use of PowerPoint presentations and it allows narration along with the project. Another use for this multimedia application is information briefs. Students within my profession could use this application to present their Military Information briefs to the instructor where the instructor has time to grade the project by having access to their work anytime.   

Brown, J. S. & Adler, R. P. (2008, January/February). Minds on Fire: Open Education, the LongTail, and Learning 2.0. EDUCAUSE Review. Retrieved from

Nataatmadja, I., & Dyson, L. E. (2008). The Role of Podcasts in Students' Learning. International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies2(3), 17-21

Richardson, W. (2010). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms (3rd  ed.). Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press.


  1. Hi, Braley

    I totally enjoyed your blog. The two emerging technologies are significant, podcasting and screencasting. I think I prefer screencasting because a learner can view video presentation and listen to voice narration. Screencasting is a digital video presentation with audio narration. My question would is who bears the cost of production if this tool is adopted in adult education? Do you think that adult education institutions will pay the production cost?


  2. Hello Braley,

    I liked your blog a lot. In my classes, I have many project presentations with my students. Therefore, it would be interesting to use tools such as screencasting since students could make presentations in which they could incorporate narrative and images. They can design appealing and creative presentations to share with their classmates. This is another element that I find meaningful because we are normally running out of time when we have project presentations. Therefore, I like the idea of sharing those presentations and asking my students to provide feedback to their classmates.

    Lizzette Santana

  3. Hello Braley:
    I enjoyed your blog. I have used podcasting and screencasting. The podcasting was very difficult because the students came from very, very poor economic background and could not afford to buy an MP3. But we manage to show how to play it and transmit. Thanks so much,

  4. Podcasting is definitely a great tool for adult learners. Reading your post helped me realize that this could be an excellent tool for adult ESL learners. One to the dimensions of ESL that it is hard for most adult students is listening. Podcast has the potential to assist learners develop listening skills while at work, resting, travelling etc. I really like this tool. Thank you for sharing it.

  5. Hi Barley,

    What I like about the podcast is that it can be used for many educational purposes. The use of a podcast allows creativity within the class ("Teachers Guide On Use Of Podcasting In Education",). Students can learn how to speak effectively, and improve their vocabulary by creating a podcast. I would incorporate a podcast to teach my future adult students by using it as an alternative method for my students who need extra help and extended support ("Teachers Guide On Use Of Podcasting In Education").

    Teachers guide on use of podcasting in education. Retrieved on May 24, 2015. From
