Thursday, May 28, 2015

Educational Technologies (Mobile Devices)


Tablets have the potential to enhance adult education in many different ways. This technology provides learners with the capability of retrieving various types of information, a form of communications, and the ability to use numerous applications based upon the operating systems. Tablets come in different sizes and types that allow the user to use a keyboard, built-in keyboards, or finger swiped operations. Additionally, tablets offers users the same type of information as a laptop computer but much lighter and manageable. The URL for tablet information is
I chose this form of technology because it supports the adult learners’ efforts of retrieving information in the classroom and has portable use accessibility for use anywhere, anytime. There are many adult learners who fulfilling fulltime job and furthering their education. The use of tablets provides these learners with a lightweight form of technology that has the same capabilities as a laptop or desktop computer. This technology offers the learner that ability to conduct research, access their classroom information, and communicate with others. The use tablets allow learners to access the internet through a means of Wi-Fi. With this access, tablets offer the learner a means of passing information, video sharing, creating presentations, and the use of educational apps. CaballĂ©, Xhafa, and Barolli (2010) pointed out that mobile devices can easily communicate with other devices of the same or similar type, enabling learners to share data, files and messages. They can also be connected from anywhere at any time to a shared data network, further enhancing possibilities for communication. Having these capabilities makes the learner relevant to any changes within the classroom, this keeps the learner abreast of all changes by collaborating with other class members. The lightweight style of tablets allow adult learners to carry them anywhere with the ability to access their information through the internet.
In my profession, there are some classes where students use tablets. The organization has specific military applications on the tablets where students access different types of training situations. These programs allow students to collaborate within specified groups where students provide input to the programs. Additionally, students use the tablets for access to gaming where they encounter different military situational training. Another means of incorporating tablets within my professional practice is the use for cooperative learning where students are given tasks that they must work within groups to accomplish. Using tablets as a means of communications allows the learners to research their specific portions of the project and allow compilation of the final projects. 

MP3/ MP4

MP3/ MP4 (  and players/) is another emerging mobile technology that enable adult learners to research information anywhere, anytime. This form of technology is made by different companies that support learners by providing them with the ability to download and upload videos, music, and other recordings. Apple is one example that produces the IPod. This device is in the form of MP3 format where the user has the ability to record and download music where he/she can store that music because of the space provided. Additionally, this technology offers the user to access the information when needed.
I chose MP3/ MP4 devices as a form of mobile technology that supports the adult learner because of the ability to access information anywhere, anytime. These devices enable the adult learner with capability of retrieving and storing information on a mobile device where the leaner has the ability to re-visit what he/she recorded or uploaded. Adult learners can create playlists of different types of recording and videos. This is especially important for recording classroom lectures or other important information. Bonk (2009) acknowledged how the emergence of mobile and wireless technologies for learning which place educational opportunities literally in the learner’s hands and allow him to schedule learning when he wants it has paralleled the growing acceptance of a more learner-centered educational philosophy. Such m-learning and u-learning technologies are deemed ripe for learner-centered activities because they provide for more flexibility and choice in the learning process. The use of this mobile device has the ability to enhance adult learning with all of the features the MP3 possesses. Students can access audio books for research and play those books whenever needed. All of these features offer the learner the ability of accessing vital information to assist in their learning.
In my profession, this is a great form of technology. The use of MP3/ MP4 devices allow our learners to research information through audiobooks. Additionally, the technology supports the learners by allowing them to record classroom information for sharing with their peers. These devices supports the need of the learner by allowing them to download videos relevant to their training and provide them with additional support for group presentations. Another use for device is that it offers our learners the ability to do self-recordings of their presentations for peer evaluations.  
 Bonk, C. J. (2009). The world is open: How web technology is revolutionizing education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 
CaballĂ©, S., Xhafa, F., & Barolli, L. (2010). Using mobile devices 

to support online collaborative learning. Mobile Information Systems6(1), 27-47. doi:10.3233/MIS-2010-0091

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Social Networking Technologies

Social Networking Technologies


The social networking technology that will enhance adult learning is Ning ( Ning is a platform that has social applications for users to create their own groups with the ability of placing their special interests. This platform has the capability of sharing of videos, photos, forums, blogs, chats, groups and friends. Additionally, Ning provides users with the opportunity to create networks with the sole purpose of focusing on a specific subject.
The selection for technology is because of the many features that this platform presents for its users. Users have the ability to create focus groups that mainly deal with a particular topic and provide various features that allows video sharing and blogging. This is important for adult learners because it does not come with the distractions that other Social Networking Sites produce. Furthermore, Ning provides opportunities for learners and educators to share information within distance learning sessions. Brady, Holcomb, and Smith (2010) pointed out that from a survey of graduate students enrolled in distance education courses using Ning in education was most effective as a technological tool for improved communication among students at the higher education level. The use of this tool allow users to collaborate with others and sharing information beneficial to cooperative learning. Additionally, it offers users the opportunity to form discussion groups while simultaneously sharing information that gives students feel of the face to face contact.
This is a very good Social Networking Site to use within my current profession. Ning would provide students with the opportunity to work in special group assignments. Ning would benefit our students when planning their simulated military training events. This would provide an opportunity for students and facilitators’ collaboration. When working within their specific groups the facilitator has the ability to monitor the groups’ progress.
Another means of integrating Ning into my current profession, allows the use of the Social Networking Site as tool for collaboration among peer groups as means of collaborating when they graduate. These students would have the opportunity to share information once they are in their new assignments that could benefit their peers and provide the instructors feedback from their experiences.

Google Plus
Google Plus ( is another social networking tool that allow users to create various types of groups for the flow of information sharing. This platform allow adult learners who have access to the various Google products to organize groups that focus on a particular subject area.  Zaidieh (2012) points out that social networking has become one of the most important communication tools among people nowadays. However, social networks exist on the Internet websites where millions of people share interests on certain disciplines, and make available to members of these networks various shared files and photos and videos, create blogs and send messages, and conduct real-time conversations. Google plus allows users to share information by creating different types of circle groups. These groups have ability upload all types of information to work within collaborative groups from different locations. Additionally, Google plus offers these learners the capability of using a platform called Hangouts where individuals can do free video conferencing calls with a maximum of ten people. This allows adult learners to use this platform when working together on a distance learning project that requires real-time responses from all members.
The reason for the selection of Google plus technology was because of the popularity and the various types of applications that associates with this technology. Many individuals have Google accounts or use Google as a search engine. With the frequent use, this technology presents an opportunity for adult learners to have access to the different applications where the use of these tools become vital to meeting their learning needs. Brady et al (2010) pointed out that in a distance education course, Social Networking Sites (SNS) provide learners with a venue for fostering and developing a community of practice through technological affordances, such as user profiles, forums, tools, and resources. Given the inherent limitations of course management systems, the use of SNSs in education settings represents a definitive shift toward social and community-based web applications that cultivate and sustain discipline-specific social networks. Google plus allows adult learners to communicate in a social environment while simultaneously allowing video conferencing and uploading of instructional materials.
This application support my profession by offering learners the opportunity of using a means of technology that is accessible for all. Students in my profession must constantly communicate in and outside the classroom. Using Google Plus allow students to create their own circles designated from their instructors. Creating these circles allow students to work on group projects where they can upload videos, share information, and conduct video conferencing. Students have an opportunity of sending information anytime where they will receive a notification for response within that particular group.

Brady, K. P., Holcomb, L. B., & Smith, B. V. (2010). The use of alternative social networking sites in higher educational settings: A case study of the e-learning benefits of Ning in education. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 9(2), 151-170.

Zaidieh, A. J. Y. (2012). The use of social networking in education: challenges and opportunities. World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal (WCSIT), 2(1), 18-21.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Application and Multimedia Resource for Adult Learners

Podcasting is a form of technology allows student to listen to various types of classroom information anytime and anywhere. Nataatmadja and Dyson (2008) stated that podcasts permit students to access educational materials at home, while travelling to university or work, or doing any activity they choose. They can play the recordings at any time which is convenient to them rather than be confined to set class times. Additionally, podcasting allows students to record classroom lectures, music and other forms of information with use of the internet. Richardson (2010) discussed how podcasting is the creation and distribution of amateur radio, plain and simple. There are many ways to bring podcasting into the classroom. Teachers can record important parts of what they do in the classroom that can be archived in the class Weblog and be used by students who may have missed the class or just want a refresher of what happened. Podcasting allows students to share files in the form of MP3 or MP4 files that has the ability to assess anytime or anywhere.
            I selected podcasting because this is a means of adult learning that allows these learners to record important classroom information and have the capability of playing it when the need arises. Using this information allows the learner to retrieve information in an archived manner for research or any other relative information. Furthermore, podcasting allows students to access different types of information where they have the ability to share that information with others.
            The use of the piece of technology into my profession allows the learners to share their group with use of podcasting whether in the form of an audio or video format. This allows other groups to view their work when the time arises for peer group evaluations. Another method for incorporating this technology into my profession is as a tool for the instructors where they store briefings, training, and other projects on the class Weblog for future access. Using these methods allow students to access information when needed. Additionally, it offers those students who missed an amount of classroom instructions the opportunity to review the missed portion. Overall, this would be a great asset to my current profession for students’ use for research and a means of delivering information.

            The URL for Screencasting is this site allows download of the Jing Screencasting application. The use of this technology offers adult learners that capability of presenting slide presentation with voice narration and providing learners the opportunity to record various types of projects. Richardson (2010) acknowledges that Screencasting involves capturing what learners do on the computer with an audio narration to go with it. This application allow learners to embed their presentation in a blog or other types of presentation platforms.  Using this technology allow adult learners to acquire an understanding the various types of uses that Screencasting provides and how this technology works within the business world.  Brown and Adler (2008) stated that various initiatives launched over the past few years have created a series of building blocks that could provide the means for transforming the ways in which we provide education and support learning. Much of this activity has been enabled and inspired by the growth and evolution of the Internet, which has created a global “platform” that has vastly expanded access to all sorts of resources, including formal and informal educational materials. Screencasting is one of those initiatives that provides students with ability to share information from a creative perspective.
            I selected this form of technology because it provides learners with a means of capturing live information by providing narration. This allows others to view the material with detailed information that depicts each part of the presentation. The use of this application in the classroom allows students to become creative with the way they present their subject. This application is similar to podcasting by have the means of storing the information for future use and it allows students to retrieve the information anytime or anywhere.
            This application is ideal for my profession because it allows students to work together on various types of projects with the use of PowerPoint presentations and it allows narration along with the project. Another use for this multimedia application is information briefs. Students within my profession could use this application to present their Military Information briefs to the instructor where the instructor has time to grade the project by having access to their work anytime.   

Brown, J. S. & Adler, R. P. (2008, January/February). Minds on Fire: Open Education, the LongTail, and Learning 2.0. EDUCAUSE Review. Retrieved from

Nataatmadja, I., & Dyson, L. E. (2008). The Role of Podcasts in Students' Learning. International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies2(3), 17-21

Richardson, W. (2010). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms (3rd  ed.). Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press.